

Ngo Hiang

Difficulty Easy

What is Ngo Hiang? Ngo Hiang or also known as Hekeng or Lor Bak is a Chinese dish widely adopted in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, and Thailand. This dish can be eaten as a main dish, snack or appetizer. Ngo Hiang is basically the Chinese version of a sausage filled […]

Appetizers, Vegan

Tahu Isi / Vegetables Stuffed Tofu

What is Tahu Isi? Tahu goreng is the general name for any type of fried tofu dish in Indonesia which literally means ‘fried tofu’. For today’s recipe, I’m making Tahu Isi, which means filled tofu. You can make Tahu Isi with any filling you prefer, but the traditional Tahu Isi […]


Tempeh Mendoan

Difficulty Easy

What is Tempeh Mendoan? Tempeh Mendoan is a dish originating in Banyumas, a city in central Java. Mendo in the Banyumas dialect (Banyumasan or Basa Ngapak), means half-cooked. The tempeh will be coated in a liquid batter and fried in hot oil briefly to achieve a mushy texture. You can […]